How to Create More Livable Space in Your Home | Daniella Gold Real Estate

Thursday Nov 23rd, 2023



If you're like most families, your home is more than just a roof over your head; it's the heart of your family life. But with growing kids and ever-shrinking available space, determination and creativity are key to making sure that everyone has enough room to breathe. That's where this blog post comes in - we'll walk you through easy steps for transforming even the tightest quarters into an inviting, livable space. From maximizing vertical storage to introducing natural light into darker corners of the home, these tips will help you create extra living and breathing room in no time! As a bonus, all of these ideas won't break the bank or require major construction work either. Ready to get started? Let’s go!

Maximize Vertical Space

When it comes to adding more room to your home, never overlook the power of vertical space. Often, we only think about using floor space but there's so much potential in utilizing walls and ceilings as well. Installing shelves above doorways or cabinets on top of kitchen counters are great ways to increase storage without taking up any additional floor space. Similarly, incorporating hanging planters or wall-mounted storage units can add a touch of style while also freeing up valuable real estate. Don't be afraid to think beyond traditional furniture and look up for inspiration.

Let in Natural Light

A dark and dim room always feels smaller than it actually is. In contrast, a bright and well-lit space instantly makes a room feel bigger and more inviting. So why not make the most of natural light to create a sense of spaciousness? Keep window coverings sheer, or invest in blinds that can easily be opened to let in natural light. You can also strategically place mirrors across from windows to reflect light and make a room appear larger.

Declutter and Reorganize

They say less is more, and when it comes to creating a livable space, this couldn't be truer. Take the time to declutter your home room by room, removing any unnecessary items that are taking up precious space. After decluttering, rearrange furniture to make the most of the space you have. Experiment with different layouts and don't be afraid to try unconventional ways to use furniture, like using a bookshelf as a room divider or a dresser as a TV stand.

Utilize Underutilized Spaces

When it comes to finding extra living space, think outside the box and get creative with underutilized spaces. For example, transform a closet into a small office by adding a desk and some shelves. Or, turn the space under your stairs into a cozy reading nook with some throw pillows and shelves for books. Don't forget about using storage ottomans or benches that can also serve as extra seating options.

Incorporate Multi-Functional Pieces

One of the keys to maximizing livable space in your home is to invest in multi-functional furniture. Look for pieces like a coffee table with hidden storage, a sofa bed, or a dining table that can double as a desk. Not only do these types of furniture save space, but they also add versatility and functionality to your home.


With these tips in mind, you're well on your way to creating more livable space in your home without breaking the bank. Remember to think outside the box and utilize all available areas, both vertical and horizontal. And keep in mind that a well-lit, clutter-free space will always feel bigger and more inviting than a cramped and dark one. Happy organizing!


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